Charles Spurgeon said,
"If our Lord does but stamp His foot, He can win for Himself all the nations of the earth against heathenism, and Mohammedanism, and Agnosticism, and Modern-thought, and every other foul error.”...
Charles Spurgeon said,
"If our Lord does but stamp His foot, He can win for Himself all the nations of the earth against heathenism, and Mohammedanism, and Agnosticism, and Modern-thought, and every other foul error.”...
The essence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is that it is graciously given by Jesus for assurance and power. It is given by Jesus for assurance and power...
The last few years I have drawn encouragement and inspiration from Jonathan Edwards' famous resolutions and advice to young converts. In case you aren't familiar with Edwards he is one of the greatest intellectuals in American history and many believe he is the greatest theologian produced in America...
This was another message that was incredibly important in shaping my view of the gospel as I was compiling preaching clips for For Today's record in early 2012. I can remember waking up the next day and feeling a burden and weight on my chest to preach the gospel and even more to pray that I would steward it wisely.
Grace finds no sweeter backdrop (and no more important backdrop) than that of our inability, our depravity, and our weakness...
As many continue to teach that the moral law bears no weight on the believer and that Jesus' words were old covenant words (therefore not applicable to us) it seems even more important to stop and consider what it is we have been commanded to do. I firmly believe that orthodoxy leads to orthopraxy, that right belief will powerfully lead us into right living...
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