The Crushing of Christ by Paul Washer
This was another message that was incredibly important in shaping my view of the gospel as I was compiling preaching clips for For Today's record in early 2012. I can remember waking up the next day and feeling a burden and weight on my chest to preach the gospel and even more to pray that I would steward it wisely.
"Eat my flesh and drink my blood" Communion and The Day Of The Lord
There is a day coming in which final justice will burst forth into the earth. The pictures that we are given of this last day are astonishing; they are vivid, some are violent, they are terrible and they are great. There is this theme of judgment throughout the Bible; in fact, judgment is the backdrop upon which the gospel is drawn...
"You Always Resist the Holy Spirit"
In Acts chapter 7 we read of the church’s first martyr, Stephen. It is a stunning account of his brief trial and execution in which he testifies against those unbelieving souls in Jerusalem who “betrayed and murdered” the Righteous One...
"God is Patient Towards You"
I’ve heard many times when expressing my trust in the definite nature of the atonement that God is “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” I believe that God through Christ purchased the salvation of those who believe. Even more I believe that this atonement includes the faith and repentance by which they are saved (2 Tim 2:25; Romans 8:30; 12:3)...
The Depravity of Entitlement
I have heard numerous times that Jesus' death determines our value, and that we are as valuable as the price paid for us. One example was that no one would pay $100,000 for a $20,000 car because the car isn't worth it, therefore the blood of Jesus wouldn't be spent on people who were not worth it. I couldn't disagree more...
The Backdrop of Grace
Grace finds no sweeter backdrop (and no more important backdrop) than that of our inability, our depravity, and our weakness...
"Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"
As many continue to teach that the moral law bears no weight on the believer and that Jesus' words were old covenant words (therefore not applicable to us) it seems even more important to stop and consider what it is we have been commanded to do. I firmly believe that orthodoxy leads to orthopraxy, that right belief will powerfully lead us into right living...